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2009 already? Who would have thought.

Well then again, back to reality from all the funny quirky home parties i had for the last christmas and new years day. Back to those chores left for me to do, books to hit and also that messy desk i DEFINITELY need to clear.

I guess new years is really an overrated day, besides the partying and the friends, its really just an average day but in which you get to throw your calendar, your old organizer and maybe some old underwear out the window, or maybe you should consider trashing the underwear into a bin. Then again, its the day where people make up new resolutions, new excuses for missing work, practically everything new to give them a head start on the new year ahead.

Ever wonder how life brought you here? Or how many life altering years which made you standing where you are right now?

Well i have gave this issue a lot of thought over the years. On how my parents, my girlfriend, my friends, and almost everyone around me molded me into who i am today. A big thank you.

But in the end, I guess it was really me who made me into me. For all the choices that ive made along this path of 20 years, the procrastination, the lifestyle and all the desicions i have made, gave me the exact person i am right now. Well not to say im entirely happy about it. There are so many changes and improovements i can make right now, and i guess 2009 would be a good year to make some of those changes.

1. start a tshirt clothing line online. (wow it rhymes)

2. Be motivated at all times, never letting something bring my mojo down.

3. Tie tighter knots with the people who care for me.

4. living life to a fuller level by increasing my knowledge on things. My aim is to learn at least something new on every day.

well i can think about only 4 main ones at the moment. guess ill put on some more later.


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